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F I L M M A K I N G   W O R K S H O P S

F I L M C R E A T I V E S   F I L M   C L U B 

Film Creatives Online Filmmaking Club 20

Film Creatives Film Club is one hour a week each week per term. During our club we have a range of activities from practical filmmaking to film theory as well as competitions screenings and rewards, all done online.


Every Tues 5pm-6pm we will run the club for young people 8yrs -12yrs old.


Every Wed 5pm-6pm we will run the club for young people 13yrs - 17yrs old.


Price : £20 per child / £30 for two children and £40 per family three and more.  


Our aim is to help young people explore their curiosity through fun, safe and entertaining ways whilst creating their own videos and films safely.


Each term we will make films on a different genres from short films, music videos, documentaries to Youtube videos, social media videos.


Being involved with Film Creatives Film Club is hugely beneficial for both educators and the young attendees.


Film Creatives Film Club provides an exciting, safe and comfortable environment for young people to grow, gain confidence, enjoy filmmaking as a fun exciting experience. 


Our resources can help learning and development, allowing educators to create a club that will appeal to all ages and abilities.


  • Taught by a professional filmmaker.


  • All students will learn how to write, film and edit their own stories.


  • Each term we will cover different genres (short films, music videos, documentaries, YouTube videos)

  • The students will learn practical filmmaking as well as covering the theory side of how films were made. 


  • At the end of each term your child will create a film or video of the genre of the month. 


  • We’ll take your child on an exciting journey as we help create their videos from start to finish.


  • They will learn how to make their videos look professional and learn how to work in teams.


  • They will be taught how to be resourceful and how to use what they have at home to make great memorable films and videos.

  • Your child will use their own equipment, whatever they have available at home e.g mobile phone, tablet etc.


  • In post-production they will learn how to edit their music, footage, add sound effects, colour grading and more.

  • The course is tailored to be challenging, practical and hands-on whilst being entertaining and fun.


  • Our online course is from the safety of your own home, therefore safe and convenient.

  • We always finish on time as we take time keeping seriously but we use the time to its fullest.


I N T R O D U C T I ON   T O   F I L M M A K I N G - O N L I N E   C O U R S E 

Our 'One Day Online Introduction to Filmmaking Course' is a fun way for young people to explore and create their own videos and films. Our aim is to help young people explore their curiosity through fun, safe and entertaining ways.


  • Taught by a professional filmmaker.


  • All students will learn how to write, film and edit their own stories. 


  • We’ll take your child on an exciting journey as we help create their videos from start to finish.


  • They will learn how to make their videos look professional.


  • They will be taught how to be resourceful and how to use what they have at home to make great memorable films.


  • Your child will use their own equipment, whatever they have available at home, e.g mobile phone, tablet etc.


  • In post-production they will learn how to edit their music, footage, add sound effects, colour grading and more.​


  • The course is tailored to be challenging, practical and hands-on whilst being entertaining and fun. 


  • ​Our online course is from the safety of your own home, therefore safe and convenient.


  • We always finish on time as we take time keeping seriously but we use the time to its fullest.​​​​​

Film Creatives Online Filmmaking Course
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